Randy Wing – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73135

Randy Wing, N0LD – began VHF rovering in about 2000 when several fellow Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society/Wichita members activated most of Kansas with “Best Rover by a Dam-Site” theme. After than he went on a few 6m/2m/70cm VHF rovers by himself in western Kansas, eastern Colorado, and northern Oklahoma, and a few with friends in eastern KS. After moving to St. Louis in 2012 through 2014 – he traveled to NE Missouri and western Illinois twice in VHF contests with 6m, 2m, and 70cm. In Oklahoma, the bug really bit him and he began to rover with his daughter, Samantha-KC0MTM with 6m, 2m, and 70cm loops in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Louisiana, and western Arkansas. He added his friends Nick Farlow-KB0YHT and Harvey Jones-W0HGJ and extended his antenna arrays with 10 ft yagis on 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 33cm, and 23cm and dual loops on 2m and 70cm. In 2020, we extended our VHF capability into the microwaves – putting 2.3 Ghz, 3.4 Ghz, and 5.7 Ghz on the air. We have travelled as far south as Galveston, as far north as Owatonna, MN, as far west as Amarillo, and as far east as about 30 miles east of Fort Smith, Arkansas. We are excited to see where this adventure takes us next!
Nick Farlow – Wichita, KS 67210

Nick Farlow – KB0YHT – I have mostly been involved in Field Day and various other contests since becoming licensed. I have participated in Field Day events in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, and usually operate during the ‘sundown to sunup’ time frames. I began VHF rovering in about 2000 when several fellow Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society/Wichita members activated most of Kansas with “Best Rover by a Dam-Site” theme. After than I didn’t participate in VHF rovering again until N0LD moved to Oklahoma a few years ago. For several of the N0LD/R rovering events, I have made suggestions on the vehicle and shared in all the operational activities. The area I typically focus on is helping with itinerary and route planning. There are several tools available on the web and as phone apps to help with these activities. Typical Rover trips are up to 1200 miles and activate a multitude of grid squares. It’s fun to see different parts of the Midwest while making contacts!
Alexander Naas – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73135

Alex Nass – KG9DUK- Became a ham in 2015, upgraded to general in 2016. Alex enjoys digital modes and Software Defined Radio (SDR). Operates clandestinely from his apartment – don’t tell anyone! Discovered the Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society insite page and became acquainted with the OKRovers team. Decided in September 2018 to actively VHF rover with the OKRover team. Work at Boeing as an IT Technician; previously was an SrA at Tinker AFB. The January 2019 ARRL VHF Contest was his first OKRover trip; he continues to be an active part of our rover team.
Harvey Jones – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73012

Harvey Jones, W0HGJ – began joined Randy Wing N0LD and Nick Farlow KC0MTM in VHF rovering in about 2017. Harvey received his Technician in 2004 and progressed through General to Extra in March 2006. Harvey enjoys HF digital and participation with local clubs. Over the years, Harvey has participated with Randy and Nick on many escapades in Ham Radio, including: SKYWARN, Scouting events, WEBELOS Woods, Field Day participation and organization.
Ross Terry – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73025

Sidney Ross Terry – K5SRT- Began VHF rover grid square adventure in January, 2018 by observation and eyeball QSO breakfast with N0LD-Randy, KB0YHT-Nick, and W0HGY-Harvey at the Country Kitchen in Kingston, OK. Pretty much decided then to learn more about SSB VHF and mobile operations. My first active ARRL VHF contest in June 2018 with a start @ Ham-Com 2018 as K5SRT/R with 3 loaned loops and his first OKRover. K5SRT is a licensed Extra and the Oklahoma City Boeing Amateur Radio Club WB5OKC Trustee.
Bob Kirby – Plano, TX 75023

Bob K3NT radio interests include engineering, building and operating, currently favoring the digital modes. Bob operated his 1st rolling mobile rover by designing and building a complete mobile RTTY station using a Vic 20 computer along with one of the 1first solid-state HF radios in the early 80’s. His DX fun includes operating from V73 Kwajalein Atoll. Bob has also operated airplane mobile CW & AM phone from “FIFI” the B-29 Super Fortress Bomber using the WWII ART-13 / BC-348 station that Ross, K5SRT and him helped reconstruct and make operational. Bob learned of our VHF efforts through Ross and made VHF contact with us via the Richardson, TX Rockwell Collins club Station W5ROK in June, 2018. The only member of the rover team not living in Oklahoma, we welcome his experience and enthusiasm! Bob is new to our efforts – September will be his first rove with our team.
Andrea Slack – SPARTA, NJ 07871

Andrea Slack, K2EZ is an engineer and a VHF enthusiast! Her vehicle sports radios and transverters for 6m through 3Ghz! She is known for her cross-country roves from NJ to TX. We look forward to working her at the Tulsa grid corner on 19 Jan 2020 during the January 2020 ARRL VHF Contest.
Tommy Henderson – Tulsa, OK

Tommy Henderson – Tommy, WD5AGO teaches college electronics in Tulsa, builds custom microwave electronics for amateur radio operators and some big commercial customers like the Very Large Area in NM, and also builds racing motorcycles in his spare time! Tommy has been an amateur radio operator VHF+ enthusiast for longer than most of the team – we look forward to learning from him!
Marcus Sutliff – Edmond, OK Jan 2019 & Sept 2019 contest

Marcus Sutliff – K5ZY– loves amateur radio because of the endless challenges and opportunities to learn and try new things. He enjoys operating in various contest to see if he can do better than the previous year and to hopefully exchange a QSL card for a new country/mode in the logbook. Having earned DXCC phone and digital, Marcus is now working on CW with his IC-9100 and 43ft ground mounted vertical. See QRZ for more info, https://www.qrz.com/db/N5ZY. Marcus is also the president of the Edmond Amateur Radio Society and is the ‘new ham’ class coordinator. Marcus has VHF/UHF experience with satellite communications but this will be his first rover trip.
Nick Carpenter – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73142

Nick Carpenter, KI5RHN Newly licensed ham as of August 2021. Currently a Technician studying on-and-off for General, operates mainly mobile on VHF/UHF but is interested in starting a Ham Shack. Interested in Electronics from a young age currently working as an IT Technician. Became interested in Ham radio after a colleague introduced him to Skywarn and the NWS but enjoys all areas of the hobby. Volunteered for public service communications at the Oklahoma Marathon in April 2022. Experience with DMR on the AnyTone 578 and 878.
Samantha Wing – NW Arkansas, 72722

Samantha Wing – KC0MTM – Became a ham in 2001 at the age of 13! Although not active during the year, she participates in field day and occasionally a driver during VHF contests. She frequently assists in equipping and teardown of her Dad’s rover. She is a veterinary technician. This is her second operation as part of the OKRover team although she has participated in previous VHF contests. She will be logging contacts in the N0LD/r on Saturday, January 19, 2019.
Ashley Compton – NW Arkansas, 72722

Ashley “Vile Zombie Juice” Compton, KI5VZJ, got started in ham radio doing Field Day events with N0LD and his family. After getting her technician license last year under the guidance of Randy, she participated in the January 2023 VHF contest with her co-pilot, KC0MTM. They enjoyed making contacts over 6 bands and travelling to different states. Ashley is a Registered Veterinary Technician with a passion for providing the best possible care for pets.
Don Loving – Ardmore, OK 73401

Don, KM5OX (ex-N5NDE) has been licensed since 1968 under several callsigns. He lives in Ardmore. Don has been active in mostly emergency comms, nets and skywarn in years past and has minimal experience in contesting. He has been involved with the Texoma Hamarama, ARRL and several local ARC’s. He is a science educator for the last 44 years, teaching middle school and high school; he is currently teaching at Murray State College.
Gregory Cerny – Saint Marys, KS 66536

Greg Cerny, Sr. – WQ0P – has a wonderful hilltop site north of St. Marys, KS. He has hosted the OKRovers during several VHF contests, letting us crash in his loft in his amateur radio shed! Greg has improved our techniques in grid square cornering, helping to be an “anchor” around which we revolve during competitive contests. Greg has recently introduced the OKRovers to his 10 Ghz Rain Scatter activities. Please look at our dedicated adventures in our photos and in our Rain Scatter tab off our main menu.
Past Team Members
Past Team Members
Tom Schamber – Oklahoma City, OK

Tom Schamber – KI5PHJ – I’m a brand new ham as of April 2021. Gained interest in the hobby initially for a communication means when off-roading beyond cell phone range as well as having had a father being a ham many years ago when I was a kid. But as I’ve gotten more familiar through my training I see there are a lot of interesting aspects of ham radio I wasn’t aware of before. I’m interested in exploring them all. I like road trips and new experiences so am looking forward to the rovering activity and all the fun it has to offer. The June 2021 event will be my first.
Bob Baily – Kansas City, Mo

Bob Bailey, WE0Z (past KA0MR) has been interested in VHF and UHF contesting since the 1970s. Bob’s past included a 100 ft tower near Hesston, KS where he participated in fixed VHF Contesting. Bob’s passion is learning and putting together new equipment.
Jim Enix – ROSE HILL, KS 67133

Jim KC0QIE has had a shortwave radio interest over the years, this inspired him to become a ham radio operator in June 2003. He has since advanced to an Extra class operators as of June 2008. Jim has operated many fixed VHF contests with Randy, N0LD. He established his own 6m, 2m, and 70cm antennas and is working towards his VUCC on all those bands. Jim used to be a member of the Boeing Employee Amateur Radio Society in Wichita, KS along with Harvey, Nick, and Randy. January 2020 will be Jim’s first time with the OKRovers!.
Jason Meirowsky – Wichita, KS 67210

Jason is a neighbor and friend of Nick Farlow, KB0YHT. His interest in VHF Rover contesting began when he saw pictures of Nick and Randy contesting every few months and thought he would enjoy it as well. If the January 2020 VHF contest goes well, perhaps Jason will become an amateur radio operator as well!
George Mackus – Maryland Hts, MO 63043 – Sept 2018 contest

George AB0RX was first licenced in 2001. He started operating VHF a few years later on field day after noticing activity on the field day 6 meter station. AB0RX has been operating portable in VHF contests for 12 years. He enjoys chasing DX, contesting, and portable operating. He operates all bands between 160M and 70 cm and enjoys opearating all modes especially RTTY and FT8. AB0RX operated portable from grid EN56 in Michigan this summer during a camping trip and worked over 100 grids on 6 Meters in under a week. George comes to the N0LD rover team after getting his 2018 operation washed out from the remnants of tropical storm Gordon hitting Missouri this weekend..